We have postdoc positions available
Please contact Giulia if you would like to join the lab.
Current members
Current members
Giulia Zanetti, PI
g.zanetti at bbk.ac.uk
giulia.zanetti at crick.ac.uk
Sander Van der Verren, postdoc
s.van_der_verren at mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk
Katie Downes, postdoc
katie.downes at crick.ac.uk
Zabir Abedin, MRes student
zabir.abedin at crick.ac.uk
Lab alumni
Euan Pyle, postdoc
Cristina Escalona Lopez, Master Student
Evgenia Markova, PhD student
Joshua Hutchings, PhD student
Nick Brown, research assistant
Debbie Woods, rotation student
Sophie Brown, rotation student
Himani Amin, rotation student
David Wilson, summer intern
Stefany Ugochim Eduputa, summer intern
We collaborate with Liz Miller at the LMB/MRC on the structure and function of COPII.
We also have many internal and external collaboration where we use single-particle cryo-EM and cryo-tomography to understand a variety of important biological processes, for example the Waksman lab at ISMB.